Hardsuit bubblegum crisis
Hardsuit bubblegum crisis


Explosives go off once Mecha Mook receives kick to head. Activate rockets for rocket assisted kick. Armed Legs: Priss' Powered Armor has contact-triggered explosives on top of both its feet.Linna's hardsuit has microfilament hair ribbons that cut through steel! Sylia carries a Blade Below the Shoulder. Knight Sabers may have Arm Cannons and/or the Power Fist. Arm Cannon, Breath Weapon, Combat Tentacles, and Chest Blaster: Boomer weapon options.


  • Alternate Continuity: The OVA series, AD Police OVAs and Crash form one continuity, while 2040, AD Police TV and Parasite Dolls are a separate universe.
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The third OVA episode "Blow Up" starts with Mason sending a military-grade Boomer at Sylia's Silky Doll store-and none of the Sabers are able to suit up in time to fight it.
  • Is a Crapshoot: The rogue boomers - maybe it's unclear whether most of them were accidents or "field testing" by GENOM.
  • Age Is Relative: Believe it or not, but Linna is only a year older than Nene in the OVAs.
  • Action Girl: All the Knight Sabers, but mostly Priss and Linna.
  • In 2008, the company AIC announced that they'd signed an agreement to let a Singaporean studio begin production of a live-action version of Bubblegum Crisis-which has ballooned into a coproduction between six countries (including Australia and China), planned for release in 2012. A third OVA focusing on the AD Police, Parasite Dolls, was released in 2003. In 1999, a second AD Police series: AD Police: To Serve and Protect, was released. This version began with Linna as an Office Lady who moved to Tokyo to join her heroes, the mysterious Knight Sabers. It kept the Broad Strokes of the premise and the hardsuit designs, but broadly changed the character designs and personalities, and went off in a different direction from the original series.


    It was "reimagined" in 1998 as the TV series Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040, but the result bears almost no resemblance to the earlier show. In 1990, a Prequel series, AD Police Files, was released, featuring Cowboy Cop Leon in his early days on the force, five years before the start of BGC. A 3-hour sequel series, Bubblegum Crash!, is believed to be a compressed version of the plot of the remaining five episodes, but is generally considered to be inferior to the original. Originally plotted for 13 hour-long episodes, Bubblegum Crisis was forced by a mixture of budget issues and internal politics between the two studios producing the show to cease production with the 8th episode (which wasn't an ending at all). The mid-21st-Century society depicted in the show appears to be approaching a similar crisis point. Most commentators believe that it refers the point in blowing a bubblegum bubble where it has equal chances of exploding all over your face or collapsing limply. Opposing GENOM and its plots are the Knight Sabers-four women in astoundingly advanced powered combat suits, led by Sylia Stingray, the daughter of the scientist who invented boomer technology and who was murdered by GENOM's agents when they stole it. In the early 2030s, the world economy (and some of its politics) is controlled by the megacorporation GENOM, whose primary product is the boomer-humanoid robots that can be manufactured for any purpose from cheap labor to prostitution to heavy combat. One of the groundbreaking anime series to come out of Japan in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Bubblegum Crisis is a Film Noir / Cyberpunk epic with superhero subtexts (especially Iron Man), heavily influenced by the films Blade Runner, The Terminator, and Streets of Fire. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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    Hardsuit bubblegum crisis